Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program
Dr. Raffi Avedian, Residency Program Director,
Orthopaedic Surgery
The goal of the Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program at Stanford University is to produce orthopaedic surgeons who are technically competent, interested in the overall well-being of their patients and knowledgeable of the literature in the field of orthopaedic surgery. In addition, we aim to develop interest in solving clinical and basic science problems in the field of orthopaedic surgery and have our residents become leaders in the field.
To accomplish this, resident learning is stimulated by contact with patients and with questions and guidance from attending faculty members. Residents are required to give seminars in basic science and to produce evidence of some creative endeavor, either a paper on a basic science subject or a clinical project, by the end of their training period. They will develop patterns of lifelong learning about the field of orthopaedic surgery as well as an interest in making contributions to this field of knowledge.