Stanford Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program
Welcome To Our Program
A Letter from our Program Director
Raffi Avedian, MD
Welcome to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Stanford!
We are excited that you have chosen the path of Orthopaedics, and look forward to having you in this amazing field.
Stay Connected!
Stanford Medicine News
Congratulations Class of 2024!
Visiting Professor for our 2024 Disputation Day
We were honored to have, as the C. Howard Hatcher, M.D. Visiting Professor for our 2024 Disputation Day:
Mark A. Lee, MD
Professor and Vice Chair of Administration
Trauma Service Chief, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
University of California, Davis
2024 Stanford Medical Education Award
Congratulations to Julius Bishop, MD, Associate Residency Program Director, who received the Arthur L. Bloomfield Award in Recognition of Excellence in the Teaching of Clinical Medicine. This award honors faculty, who have made outstanding contributions to MD student education in the 2023-2024 academic year.
Fellowship Match!
Congratulations to our PGY 4's on an incredible match!
George Bugarinovic: USC - Sports
Ian Hollyer: Boston Childrens - Peds
Cierra Hong: Duke - Joints
Ana Hunt: Emory - Trauma
David Ivanov: HSS - Trauma
Taylor Johnson: Texas Scottish Rite - Peds
Galvin Loughran: Vandy - Sports
Welcome, Class of 2029!
R Lane Smith Visiting Professorship
April 17, 2024
Farshid Guilak, PhD honored our department, presenting on the topic, "Engineering New Cell-Based Therapies for Arthritis."
Dr. Guilak is the Mildred B. Simon Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Washington University in St. Louis and Director of Research at Shriners Hospitals for Children. Additionally he has a highly regarded national and international presence as an American Engineer and Orthopedic Researcher.
We are grateful for his time and for sharing his renowned knowledge and expertise with our department.
Resident Research Day!
March 2024
A phenomenal Resident Research Day held last Saturday! We are thankful for our esteemed visiting professor, faculty, and outstanding residents for their contributions, talks, and research presentations!
Donald A. Nagel, MD Visiting Professor: Dr. Bert Mandelbaum, Cedars Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute
Annual Resident Research Day Chair: Dr. Seth Sherman, Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Left to right: Dr. Seth Sherman, Dr. Bert Mandelbaum, Dr. William Maloney
Left to right: Dr. Bert Mandelbaum, Dr. Steven Frick
Augustus White III, MD
DEI Visiting Professor
Thank you to Dr. Scott E. Porter, MD, MBA, FACS, FAOA for presenting at Grand Rounds March 6, 2024 as our Augustus White III, MD DEI Visiting Professor. What a great topic on “The Diversity Tapout.”
AAOS 2024!
Ortho Sports Medicine
Visiting Professor Day
January 17, 2024